World Seed


World Seed


An indie MMORPG

World Seed is an indie MMORPG (massively multiplayer online role-playing game) developed using javascript, HTML, and CSS. As a UI/UX designer, I collaborated with Kim Kortes, the game's creator. Kim had been working on the project for a year and released a beta version six months before I joined. Together, we focused on rapid development and implementing new design solutions. By publishing updates on the same day, we gathered valuable feedback from the active player community and quickly refined the designs.

I began with getting to know the game and identified smaller areas for improvement and sought to address them. Our agile workflow allowed us to swiftly iterate on designs, releasing updates promptly to gather feedback from the dedicated player community. Their valuable insights guided our progress, enabling us to enhance the game iteratively and create an enjoyable experience for all players.

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Research led me to hypothesize that new players might find the game overwhelming and confusing. To address this, I conducted user tests, specifically targeting individuals unfamiliar with the game. I observed their interactions, recorded their screen activity, and conducted interviews. This confirmed our hypothesis that initial confusion could hinder the game's accessibility. With this knowledge I designed an onboarding process that guides new players and makes the learning curve smoother, more intuitive and welcoming for new players.

Additionally, I undertook the task of enhancing the game's UI. One aspect was the introduction of a lightning element, which required a new icon. Furthermore, I upgraded existing icons for different elements to ensure consistency and clarity. Incorporating feedback from the community, I refined the gear icons, providing visual cues to indicate enchanted status. Through our collaborative effort, we successfully improved the overall user experience of World Seed, enhancing accessibility and enjoyment for new and existing players.

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Click here and give the game a try!